

Candidates for the Timisoara Award for European Values / Premiul Timișoara pentru Valori Europene come from nominations made by organisations/institutions recognised nationally and internationally for their work in promoting and defending European values. Jury members are also entitled to make nominations.

Unsolicited nominations are not accepted.

Through their work and public conduct, the nominees should be a source of inspiration to their peers. Through their work they have demonstrated:

  • Consistent public and moral conduct in defence/promotion of European values;
  • Outstanding contribution to the defence/promotion of European values, inside and outside the European Union;

The winner will be designated by a jury of personalities of outstanding professional reputation (see the Jury section).

All nominations are strictly confidential and will not be made public. Post-mortem awards may only be made in exceptional cases.

Nominations are only accepted from internationally renowned personalities and not from institutions or organisations. Only internationally recognised personalities are eligible for nomination; organisations or institutions are excluded from nomination.

The prize will be awarded in Timisoara at a ceremony which the laureate is expected to attend.